Can You Wear Contact Lenses After Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is a common procedure to remove a cloudy lens from the eye and replace it with an artificial lens to restore clear vision. Many individuals undergoing cataract surgery are curious about their options for vision correction after the procedure, including the possibility of wearing contact lenses. Let’s explore “Can You Wear Contact Lenses After Cataract Surgery?”

Understanding Cataract Surgery

Before exploring whether we can wear contact lenses after cataract surgery or not, it’s essential to understand the nature of cataract surgery. Cataracts occur when the eye’s natural lens gets cloudy, leading to blurred vision and other visual disturbances. During cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL) to improve vision. This procedure is typically performed outpatient and successfully restores clear vision.

Preparing for Cataract Surgery

Before undergoing cataract surgery, patients typically consult their ophthalmologist to discuss the procedure and address any concerns. These consultations allow patients to ask questions about the surgery, its risks and benefits, and what to anticipate during recovery. Patients may also discuss their lifestyle and vision goals with their ophthalmologist, which can influence the choice of intraocular lens and post-operative vision correction options.

The Role of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses offer several advantages, including improved peripheral vision, freedom from wearing glasses, and the ability to participate in sports and other activities without hindrance. However, individuals considering contact lens wear after cataract surgery may have concerns about the compatibility of contact lenses with their post-operative eyes. It’s essential to discuss these concerns with your ophthalmologist to determine whether contact lenses are a suitable option for you.

Post-Surgery Recovery Period

Following cataract surgery, patients recover, and their eyes heal and adjust to the new intraocular lens. This period may involve temporary changes in vision, such as blurriness or fluctuating vision, as the eyes adapt to the new lens. Patients may also experience sensitivity to light, mild discomfort, and the sensation of something in the eye. These symptoms typically improve within a few days to weeks after surgery. Still, following your ophthalmologist’s instructions for post-operative care is essential to ensure optimal healing and visual outcomes.

Contact Lenses After Cataract Surgery

Once the eyes have healed sufficiently, patients may explore contact lens options for vision correction. Soft contact lenses are popular for many individuals due to their flexibility, comfort, and ease of use. These lenses are available in various designs, including daily disposable, bi-weekly, and monthly lenses, allowing patients to choose the option that best suits their lifestyle and preferences. Gas-permeable contact lenses may be recommended for individuals with irregular corneas or specific vision needs, as they provide crisp, clear vision and can correct astigmatism and other refractive errors.

Timing of Contact Lens Use

The timing of contact lens use after cataract surgery is important for ensuring optimal healing and visual outcomes. Ophthalmologists advise patients to wait until their eyes fully heal before reintroducing contact lenses. This may take several weeks, depending on the individual’s healing process and the type of cataract surgery performed. Once the ophthalmologist has cleared you to resume contact lens wear, following their instructions for gradual reintroduction and wear schedule is essential to minimize the risk of complications and ensure proper fit and comfort.

Potential Complications and Precautions

While contact lenses can provide convenient vision correction, there are potential risks associated with their use after cataract surgery. These risks include the possibility of infection, inflammation, corneal abrasions, and other complications, particularly if proper hygiene and care practices are not followed. To minimize these risks, patients must adhere to their ophthalmologist’s contact lens wear and hygiene recommendations. This includes washing your hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses, disinfecting lenses as directed, avoiding sleeping or swimming in contact lenses, and attending regular follow-up appointments with your ophthalmologist to monitor your eye health and ensure early detection and management of any potential issues.

Lifestyle Considerations

When considering contact lens wear after cataract surgery, individuals should also consider their lifestyle and activities that may affect their eyes. Certain activities, such as swimming, gardening, or working in dusty environments, may pose a higher risk of eye irritation or infection when wearing contact lenses. It’s essential to discuss your lifestyle and activity level with your ophthalmologist to receive personalized recommendations for managing these risks and maintaining optimal eye health.

Wondering whether you can wear contact lenses after lasik surgery? Read our latest blog Can You Wear Contact Lenses After LASIK Surgery.

Why Faro Optometry?

At Faro Optometry, we understand the importance of clear vision and strive to provide exceptional eye care services to our patients. Our experienced team of ophthalmologists specializes in cataract care, offering comprehensive evaluations and personalized treatment plans to meet each patient’s unique needs. Whether you’re considering cataract surgery or exploring contact lens options post-surgery, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

In addition to our expertise in cataract care, Faro Optometry offers comprehensive eye exams to assess your overall eye health and detect any underlying conditions or vision problems. We also provide specialized contact lens services, including contact lens exams and fittings, to ensure you achieve the best possible vision correction and comfort with your contact lenses.

If you’re considering cataract surgery or have recently undergone the procedure and are exploring contact lens options, schedule an appointment with Faro Optometry today. Our team will work with you to address your concerns, answer your questions, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you gain clear, comfortable vision.


How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery?

Recovery time from cataract surgery varies for each individual but typically ranges from a few days to several weeks. Most patients experience improved vision within a few days. Still, full recovery may take longer as the eyes adjust to the new intraocular lens.


Can I drive after cataract surgery?

Following your ophthalmologist’s advice regarding driving after cataract surgery is essential. In most cases, patients are advised to wait until their vision has stabilized and feel comfortable and confident behind the wheel.

Are there any restrictions on physical activity after cataract surgery?

While light activities like walking are usually permitted soon after surgery, patients are often advised to avoid activities, heavy lifting, and bending over for a few weeks to minimize the risk of complications and allow the eyes to heal properly.

Will I still need glasses after cataract surgery if I wear contact lenses?

While many patients experience improved vision after cataract surgery and may no longer need glasses for distance vision, they may still require reading glasses for close-up tasks. Contact lenses can provide additional vision correction and may reduce the need for glasses, depending on individual visual needs and preferences.

Can I switch between glasses and contact lenses after cataract surgery?

Many patients switch between glasses and contact lenses based on their activities and preferences. Some may wear contact lenses during the day for convenience and glasses at night for added comfort, while others may prefer to wear glasses exclusively. Your ophthalmologist can help you determine the best approach based on your lifestyle and vision needs.


In conclusion, wearing contact lenses after cataract surgery is possible for many individuals. Still, it requires careful consideration and guidance from an experienced ophthalmologist. By understanding the timing, options, and potential risks associated with wearing contact lenses post-surgery, patients can make informed decisions about their vision correction needs and enjoy clear, comfortable vision. If you’re considering contact lens wear after cataract surgery, consult your ophthalmologist to discuss your options and get recommendations based on your eye health and lifestyle.

Ready to explore your options for cataract care and contact lens services? Schedule an appointment with Faro Optometry today for a comprehensive eye exam, cataract evaluation, contact lens exam, or contact lens fitting. Our experienced team is here to help you achieve clear, comfortable vision and maintain optimal eye health for years to come. Book your appointment now.

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